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What Can A Private Investigator Liverpool Legally Do?

Have you ever thought of hiring a Private Investigator Liverpool to help with an issue or concern? Private investigators in the UK are highly trained and qualified professionals who provide services like surveillance, asset searches, background checks, and more. Before contacting one though, it’s important to understand what they can do legally as there are some restrictions on their activities.

So, what is a private investigator? In this blog post we will look into what a private investigator Liverpool is legally able to do – from conducting investigations and collecting evidence.


What Can A Private Investigator Do Legally UK?

Generally speaking, a Private Investigator Liverpool is allowed to investigate and collect evidence in order to help clients understand the situation that they are dealing with. They can also provide:

Surveillance Services

Private investigators can conduct surveillance activities like following and observing a person, or monitoring their movements over time. This is often done in cases of matrimonial disputes, to check if a partner is cheating.

Background Checks

A private detective Liverpool can also help with background checks on individuals or companies. These checks may involve verifying employment history, financial information, criminal records, and more.

Tracing Debtors

If someone owes you money and they’ve moved without leaving any contact details, a private detective can help trace them. This involves searching databases, conducting interviews with people who know the debtor, and sometimes even going undercover to locate them.

Asset Searches

In certain circumstances, private investigators may also be asked to locate and trace assets. This is a useful tool for individuals or businesses who need to recover funds from debtors.


What Is Not Legal For a Private Investigator?

In the UK, there are some activities that a private investigator Liverpool cannot legally carry out in order to protect the rights of individuals. These include:

Unauthorised Recording: It’s illegal for an investigator to record conversations without consent or make copies of confidential documents without permission.

Hacking Computers: It’s against the law to hack into another person’s computer or access their accounts without their knowledge.

Bribery/Coercion: Private investigators must never use bribery or coercion in order to gain access to confidential information or documents.

Harassment: Similarly, they must not harass an individual in order to obtain private information.

Private investigators are highly trained and qualified professionals who can help with a variety of different Merseyside investigations. However, it’s important to remember that there are certain restrictions on their activities and these should be taken into consideration before hiring a private detective.


How Do Private Investigators Legally Find Missing Persons?

Finding missing persons can be a tricky task and it’s important for private detectives to ensure that they comply with the law at all times. The most common way of locating someone is through open source intelligence and extensive database searchers.

Depending on the situation, a private detective Liverpool may turn to more intrusive techniques like surveillance or interviewing people who know the missing individual, but these activities are typically only carried out when absolutely necessary.

Another increasingly popular way of locating missing persons is through social media, as many individuals post personal information on their profiles which can provide important clues. However, care must be taken not to breach the individual’s privacy or data protection laws.


How Do Private Detectives Legally Get Background Information?

Private investigators are able to obtain background information on individuals or organisations in a number of ways. They can access public records, search databases and conduct interviews with people who may have knowledge about the target.

What’s important to note is that private investigators must always comply with data protection laws when handling personal information or conducting investigations, and they must not use unethical practices such as bribery or coercion.


Are Pre-Sue Reports Legal?

Pre-sue reports are used by solicitors and other legal professionals to assess potential claims before taking legal action. These reports may involve interviewing witnesses, gathering evidence, or accessing confidential documents.

In the UK, it’s perfectly legal for private investigators to conduct pre-sue investigations as long as they do not breach data protection laws or use unethical practices such as bribery or coercion. The private detective Liverpool must also ensure that any information gathered is relevant and up-to-date.


Can Private Investigators Legally Perform Covert Surveillance? 

Private investigators are allowed to follow people, but the private investigator must obtain permission from the client before conducting any kind of covert surveillance and make sure that it complies with data protection laws.

Surveillance is a valuable investigative tool when requiring insight into an individuals’ day-to-day activities, movements and general lifestyle.

Different Types of Legal Surveillance Operations:

  • Static Surveillance – a detective is usually positioned outside a property to film and record the movements of a person or persons at the address or location.
  • Mobile Surveillance – normally undertaken by a team, mobile surveillance involves using a series of vehicles to track a person or persons’ movements, often over long distances.
  • Field Surveillance – this is far less common but is required when a private investigative team is asked to monitor a scenario in a rural area.


How Do Private Investigators Conduct Due Diligence Legally?

Due diligence is the process of verifying facts, collecting data and performing analysis to determine if a person or company can be trusted. Private investigators are able to legally conduct due diligence in a number of ways including criminal records checks, background investigations and asset searches.

Of course, all due diligence activities must be in line with data protection laws and the investigator should ensure that they fully understand the client’s requirements before any investigations are carried out.



Private investigators are highly trained professionals who are skilled in various forms of legal investigations. From locating missing persons to conducting due diligence, private detectives have an array of tools at their disposal to ensure that any Merseyside investigations they carry out are legal and compliant with data protection laws.

So if you need the services of a private investigator, be sure to find one who has the required qualifications, experience and expertise to help you achieve your desired outcome.


Contact us to hire a private investigator Liverpool today

Do you need help with a case and are looking to hire an investigator Liverpool? At Global Investigations our highly qualified team offers prompt, confidential services that guarantee quick results. Let us help get the answers you seek today!

With over 25 years of expertise, we specialise in background checks, asset tracing for people and businesses, fraud investigations, surveillance operations and tracking services. In addition, we also provide digital forensics, employee screening, process serving and many other private investigation services.

Get in touch with Global Investigations today on <a href="tel:<a href="tel:<a href="tel:<a href="tel:<a href="tel:02082877770“>02082877770“><a href="tel:02082877770“>02082877770“><a href="tel:<a href="tel:02082877770“>02082877770“><a href="tel:02082877770“>02082877770“><a href="tel:<a href="tel:<a href="tel:02082877770“>02082877770“><a href="tel:02082877770“>02082877770“><a href="tel:<a href="tel:02082877770“>02082877770“><a href="tel:02082877770“>02082877770“><a href="tel:<a href="tel:<a href="tel:<a href="tel:02082877770“>02082877770“><a href="tel:02082877770“>02082877770“><a href="tel:<a href="tel:02082877770“>02082877770“><a href="tel:02082877770“>02082877770“><a href="tel:<a href="tel:<a href="tel:02082877770“>02082877770“><a href="tel:02082877770“>02082877770“><a href="tel:<a href="tel:02082877770“>02082877770“><a href="tel:02082877770“>02082877770 to learn how our team of dedicated professionals can assist you with your Merseyside investigations, or check out our website for further information.

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