Company Investigations

Trusted by businesses, individuals, and the legal profession since 1994, we offer friendly and discreet service. Rated 5 stars by hundreds of clients, we deliver expert asset recovery and investigation worldwide. We’ve successfully traced hundreds of millions in recoverable assets and handled 12,500 cases across 122 countries. Contact us today to see how we can help you.

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Professional & Diligent Corporate Investigation Services

Conducting corporate investigations is a very important step to undertake if you are;

> In the process of entering into a new business relationship with another company.

> Considering purchasing shares or buying into another company.

> Or have recently carried out business with a company and have concerns about their finances.

Company investigations involve a number of things, depending on your exact requirements. These can include business intelligence, in-depth analysis into a company’s finances, historical data and competitors, and the monitoring of their stock, equipment and also research into their liabilities and assets.


How We Conduct Corporate Investigations

We offer a number of different research channels, all of which are designed to help meet the end goal you desire. We use accurate business intelligence to get up-to-date, complete and precise data. This is key as it will help you run your business and make informed decisions.

After careful consideration of your exact requirements regarding the kind of company investigation services you need, our due diligence team will initially investigate the matter and then provide you with a detailed indication of the costs and research channels that are available to you.

In-depth reports into companies are conducted by the senior members of our team and include visits to the businesses under private investigations in order to understand and check methods and operations. These reports also include monitoring of stock and equipment levels and taking note of assets, such as vehicles.


We Cover All Areas When We Investigate a Company

We have the capability to research the company directors, their associations, suppliers and competitors. We are also able to investigate their creditors, the marketplace the company is operating in and any new products or services they plan to release onto market. This also includes analysing the previous success of any former products and/or services.


Please see our other related sections: 

> Credit Checks 

> Background Checks 

> Due Diligence 

> Enhanced Due Diligence

Don't Go Just Yet!

We are the highest rated private detective firm in the UK, trading  for over 29 years. Your confidentiality is prerequisite with all we do and your case will be handled with the utmost care. Ask us anything and we will be happy to assist, with no obligation to proceed at all.