Workplace Fraud Investigations

Trusted by businesses, individuals, and the legal profession since 1994, we offer friendly and discreet service. Rated 5 stars by hundreds of clients, we deliver expert asset recovery and investigation worldwide. We’ve successfully traced hundreds of millions in recoverable assets and handled 12,500 cases across 122 countries. Contact us today to see how we can help you.

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Do you suspect fraudulent activity occurring within your organisation? Global Investigations provides professional workplace fraud investigation services to uncover deception and corruption. Our expert private investigators specialise in gathering evidence using legal methods.

Employee fraud can be an expensive liability. Workplace fraud can be committed by anyone in any department, but it’s more common in senior positions or those employed in the accounting or finance department.

There are many types of workplace fraud. Most common fraud schemes fall into the following categories:

> Asset misappropriation

> Account fraud

> Data theft

> Bribery and corruption

> Payroll fraud

> Vendor mismanagement and fraud

The ACFE (Association of Certified Fraud Examiners) and other studies have determined the following statistics about the most common offenders:

> Common offenders are males aged between 35 and 60

> Over 70%, are committed from within the company

> Individuals in senior-level positions are more likely to offend

> Individuals employed for more than 6 years are the highest proportion of offenders with over 40%, compared to 6% who have been employed for less than 1 year

> More than one individual usually involved – 60% of frauds involved more than one employee

> The most common motivation is personal gain (60%), followed by greed (36%)


Who Might Need Workplace Fraud Investigations?

Workplace fraud investigations may be conducted when there are suspicions of:

> Employee theft/embezzlement – Stealing company funds, assets, inventory or data

> Vendor/supplier fraud – Overbilling, kickbacks, shell companies

> Expense report fraud – Falsified or inflated reimbursement claims

> Payroll fraud – Fake employees, doctored hours, misused benefits

> IP theft – Stealing trade secrets, product designs or R&D

> Corruption/bribery – Employees taking inappropriate payments

Essentially any situation where an employee, vendor or other insider is illegally enriching themselves through deceit or abuse of position at the company’s expense.

Our professional investigators can uncover the truth and provide the evidence needed to support internal investigations, insurance claims and potential criminal prosecution.


How Do Workplace Fraud Investigations Work?

Our expert private detectives utilise legal, ethical techniques to uncover the facts. Investigations typically involve a combination of:

> Financial forensics – Analysing accounts, payments, invoices, inventory for anomalies

> Surveillance monitoring – Physical or digital monitoring of suspects and activities

> Background research – Looking into records, databases for red flags

> Insider interviews – Speaking with colleagues to obtain leads

> Computer forensics – Recovering deleted files, emails, activity logs

> Undercover operations – Posing as corrupt parties to directly engage suspects

The specific techniques used depend on the specifics of the case. As seasoned financial crimes experts, our investigators specialise in tracing funds and assembling evidence.


Why Trust Global Investigations for Workplace Fraud Investigations?

With decades of experience investigating white collar crimes, our skilled investigators include forensic accountants, financial analysts, former law enforcement, and IT specialists. We have seen every trick in the book.

As a trusted investigations firm, Global has access to resources and databases that even corporate security teams may lack. We have contacts across industries and know where to dig deeper than internal audit alone is capable of.

Our discretion and objectivity also means employees may be more willing to anonymously leak information to our undercover investigators than company management. We piece together the puzzle.


Types of Workplace Fraud We Investigate

> Employee Embezzlement – Employees stealing company funds through expense fraud, payroll schemes, skimming revenues, and more

> Procurement & Supplier Fraud – Vendors overbilling, kickback schemes, shell companies to defraud

> IP Theft – Employees stealing and selling trade secrets, product designs, R&D, customer data

> Payroll Fraud – Fake employees added, false OT, misused benefits bleeding the bottom line

> Corruption & Bribery – Employees taking inappropriate kickbacks, gifts, trips from vendors


What Can You Do to Prevent Workplace Fraud?

To prevent and detect employee fraud it is necessary to:

> Separate account setup and approval – it is important to assign an individual for each task

> Implement tight internal controls, especially with regard to accounting

> Conduct random audits of departments on a regular basis, more frequently of accounts payable and accounts receivable

> Employ or assign an external contractor to review departments on a regular basis, more frequently for accounts

> Rotate duties of employees where possible, fresh eyes may enable any issues to be flagged

> Make it mandatory for employees to take vacation time – any issues may be located when the relief worker takes over their role for the short term


Workplace Fraud Investigations FAQs

We catch fraud by forensic financial analysis, surveillance, computer forensics, insider tips, undercover operations and other investigative methods that uncover deceptions. Expert data analysis and evidence gathering is key.

Common red flags include anomalies in financial records, unexplained inventory shrinkage, suspicious employee lifestyle changes, whistleblower reports, and more. But schemes can go undetected. Our investigators proactively uncover schemes.

Prevention includes strong financial controls, management oversight, job rotation, mandatory time off, proactive auditing, hotlines for anonymous tips, and regular investigation procedures to detect issues early.

Costs vary widely per case depending on locations, length, techniques used, and more. There’s no one-size-fits-all price. Contact us for a custom quote tailored to your specific situation and objectives. Discreet payment plans available.

Contact Global Investigations today for professional workplace fraud investigations to uncover deceitful activities within your organisation. Our insights protect profits.

See Also:

• Background Checks

• Asset Tracing

• Due Dilligence

• Bug Sweeping

• Covert Surveillance

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We are the highest rated private detective firm in the UK, trading  for over 29 years. Your confidentiality is prerequisite with all we do and your case will be handled with the utmost care. Ask us anything and we will be happy to assist, with no obligation to proceed at all.